11 juin 2020
Michael Ludwig has been in Le Havre since 2002, especially for the mission of seafarers’ welfare during their ship’s call at Le Havre.
Before coming to Le Havre, Michael was pastor of Deutsche Seemannsmission in Lomé (Togo) then Libreville (Gabon), Douala (Cameroun) and Rotterdam (The Netherlands).
For 18 years, Michael was in charge of the Deutsche Seemannsmission in Le Havre and also member of the board of AHAM and of the official “Commission Portuaire de Bien-Être du port du Havre”. He worked a lot for all those activities and we have all appreciated his discreet but efficient actions and proposals in order to improve a better functioning of our association and more generally for seamen’s welfare in Le Havre.
Michael is now in Franconia (Bavaria, Germany) with many projects, in particular a doctoral thesis and of course continuation of his apostolate.